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ICF Training Video with Prof. Dr. Manfred Pretis
Our partner prof. dr. Manfred Pretis gave an online video-training on ICF using the Modules created as O1 (http://thefirst1000days.net/First1000days.html) of our project “A Common Language for the First 1000 days” in a collaboration with Educational Institute for Social Affairs and Health (BSG Bildungsinstitut für Soziales und Gesundheit) from Germany.
The video is in German and is available on YouTube:
Interview/podcast with Prof. Dr. Manfred Pretis
Prof. Manfred Pretis presented the project "A Common Language for the First 1000 Days" and its importance in an interview/podcast with Reni Gaun (BSG Bildungsinstitut für Soziales und Gesundheit). Prof. Pretis talked about the importance of participation in the context of early intervention.
The interview is available on YouTube:
Nursing leaders from Slovenia got informed about the project
Nursing leaders from Slovenia were informed about the project by the ZMSTAM, through an online presentation.
Presentation of “thefirst1000days” project in Germany
The project goals and the project outcomes were presented as well as the 1st Newsletter of the project was distributed within a meeting held with one early intervention center in Germany in February 2020.
Nursing leaders from Denmark got informed about the project
Nursing leaders from Denmark were informed about the project by the ZMSTAM, through an online presentation.
Presentation of “thefirst1000days” approach at Munich ICF Anwenderkonferenz (Dr. Pretis)
Within the yearly “ICF Anwenderkonfererenz” a presentation – facilitating easy-understandable access to ICF by means of the Quick Guide (O2) was planned (19.3.2020).
Representatives of the International Council of Nurses got informed about the project
Nursing leaders from Denmark were informed about the project by the ZMSTAM, within an online meeting. The nurses were informed about the project activities, objectives and outcomes in progress.
Presentation on the project goals and outcomes to nurses from primary health care and patronage nurses in NMK
In an online meeting, Information about the project, its objectives and ICF concept was presented and the nursing professionals expressed interest in the use of ICF and the next steps within the project.
Pediatrician practice in Skopje informed about the project and its goals
A pediatrician practice in Skopje, employing doctors and nurses, was informed about the ICF and “the First 1000 Days” project goals and results.
Nursing leaders from Montenegro got informed about the project
Nursing leaders from Montenegro were informed about the project by the ZMSTAM, through an online presentation.
Information on the project shared with the Association of Special Educators and Rehabilitators of the Republic of N. Macedonia
The Association of Special Educators and Rehabilitators of the Republic of N. Macedonia was informed about the “the First 1000 Days” project goals and results.
Family doctor practice in Kumanovo informed about the project and its goals
A family doctors practice in Kumanovo, employing doctors and nurses, was informed about the ICF and the project goals and results.
WHO info mail
June 15th, 2020: Relevant ECD experts and ECD (European Early Childhood Development working group members) were informed about the ongoing project by Dr. Pretis.
Eurlyaid info mail
June 15th, 2020: Relevant experts within the European Association on Early Childhood Intervention (Eurlyaid) were informed about the ongoing project by Dr. Pretis.
ISEI info mail
June 15th, 2020: 3000 relevant experts within the International Society on Early Intervention (ISEI) were informed about “Thefirst1000days” by Dr. Pretis.
EASPD info mail
June 15th, 2020: 3000 relevant service providers and stake holders within the European Association of Service Providers for People with Disability (EASPD) were informed about “Thefirst1000days” by Dr. Pretis.
Piloting of the ICF Modules in Germany
The produced ICF modules, referring to the first 1000 days of a life of a child, were piloted with future early intervention specialists i.e. students in the bachelor’s degree Transdisciplinary Early Intervention in the period between March to June 2020. The participants in the piloting events gave positive feedback about the modules and evaluated them as usable and helpful.
Expert from UK informed about the project and its results
Dr. Peter Limbrick, an expert and professional from the field of early child development (interconnections.com; teamaroundthechild.com, was informed the project goals and results.
The project results discussed by patronage Nurses (home visiting nurses) from Kavadarci, Stip, Gostivar and Skopje
On the Skype meeting, the products and final goals were discussed by home-visiting nurses from Kavadarci, Stip, Gostivar and Skopje. The need for ICF training has been addressed.
Book chapter within the “Handbuch für Kindergartenleitungen” by Dr. Pretis
The revised 2nd edition of “Koch (2014). Handbuch der Kindergartenleitung” highliths the importance of ICF as a common language for professionals working with toddlers with developmental difficulties. The 2nd edition will be available in spring 2021.
Project presented to the programme staff of the International Council of Nurses (ICN) by ZMSTAM
Representatives of the Macedonian Association of Nurses, Midwives, and Technicians (ZMSTAM ) the project, its goals and outcomes to the programme staff of the International Council of Nurses (ICN) and exchanged knowledge with the colleagues about practices in other countries.
Publication of an Article about the importance of ICF during the first 1000 days in life in a Swiss Journal (Dr. Pretis)
The Swiss journal on Early Childhood Intervention requested an article on the use of ICF within early childhood intervention processes, referring to the first 1000 days of life. This article will be published in spring 2021 under www.frueherziehung.ch.
ICF Modules and Quick-Guide to ICF in Germany
Information about the ICF Modules and especially the Quick-Guide to ICF were presented on the web page of MSH Medical School Hamburg in the section news, in order to familiarize the broader public with the availability of these products in October 2020.
Infomails to the Early Intervention Centers in Germany
The leaders as well as the employees of different early intervention centers in Germany were informed by informative emails in October 2020 about the project results and the availability of the project outcomes.
Meeting between some of the partners about piloting results
An online meeting was held between representatives of the Education for all Skopje, MSH Hamburg and Dr. Dudu Melek Sabuncuoglu, Ankara. Rozita Petrinska-Labudovikj, Katerina Todorova and Melek Sabuncuoglu took part in the online meeting and discussed the results of the evaluation of the performed piloting activities.
Presentation of the project goals and expected outcomes and the ICF to home visiting nurses) from various Macedonian Healthcare Centers
The presentation raised interest about the ICF and project outcomes, interest to receive more information about project progress in the future including interest to get training on how to use ICF.
Macedonian nursing leaders informed on the project
Nursing leaders from local branches of the Macedonian Association of Nurses, Midwives and Technicians were informed about “the First 1000 Days” project start and its goals and expected outcomes.
Presentation of the project in the Macedonian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
The project coordinator had a meeting with Mr. Dushan Tomshikj, advisor to the Macedonian Mister of LSP at the premises of the Ministry in which she informed the the ministry (in terms of future mainstreaming) about the project and its goals.
Nursing leaders from Serbia got informed about the project
Nursing leaders from Serbia were informed about the project by the ZMSTAM, through an online presentation .