This project has been co-funded by the Erasmus+ Porgramme of the European Union. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Module 1

The Philosophy of ICF

Video 1

Module 3

ICF Coding

Module 4

Transfer into Practice

Welcome to the “A Common Language for the First 1000 Days Erasmus+ project’s web-site!”

A Common Language for the First 1000 Days” (1 November 2019 - 30 June 2021) is an Erasmus+ project from the Key Action 2, dealing with the use of the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as a tool for increasing communication among different professionals related to the child’s first 1000 days of life and promoting early detection of disabilities. Midwives, nurses, nursery school teachers, specialists in early intervention and early support, and pediatricians can use the project products to plan the necessary support measures for infants and young children (0-3 years) in a COMMON language with the parents. The project consortium is consisted of 5 partners, coming from North Macedonia, Austria, Germany, and Turkey. It started on 1 November 2019 and it shall end on 30 June 2021.

“A Common Language in the First 1000 Days” provides 2 basic outputs, or products:


Tailor-made ICF training modules

The first intellectual output of the project is tailor-made ICF Training Modules (in Macedonian, English, German, and Turkish language) for visiting nurses, early support services, and professionals in nurseries working with very small children, based on existing materials. Specific issues of age, as well as the connection between health, education/parenting and social aspect is addressed in this adaption, mainly focusing on a possible lack of diagnosis during these early stages of development.


A Quick Guide to ICF for professionals

The second intellectual output is a Quick Guide to ICF for nursing and early development professionals (concerning selected important items), intended to ensure that all the relevant professionals are familiar with the ICF and are able to use it in daily life. The Guide is aimed at increasing understanding between the professionals and the parents in the support processes for small children with developmental problems.